



by Dr. Fillmer Hevener, Pastor

This article is written specifically for those Christians who believe that the Ten Commandments are not binding after the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Was the Decalogue written for, given to, and applicable to the Jewish nation only? Let's see how God's word answers this question.

Scripture teaches that if there is no law, there is no sin, for sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4.)

Therefore, we know that the Decalogue existed in Heaven when Satan chose to rebel against his Creator. Satan broke both the 9th commandment (he bore false witness against his Creator) and the 10th commandment (he coveted the power and position of his Creator). Satan wanted to be equal to God and the Son. He wanted this so much that he staged a rebellion in heaven against his Creator and the eternal moral law of the Creator of the universe. Consequently, God cast Satan and his angelic followers out of heaven into the earth. (Revelation 12.)

We know that the Decalogue was in force in the Garden of Eden, because Adam and Eve, disobeying God, sinned and introduced sin into nature and the human race. What was their sin? God reserved the tree of knowledge of good and evil unto Himself. Adam and Eve were not to eat of this tree; it belonged to God. However, acting upon the lies of Satan, Eve disobeyed God and stole from God by eating fruit of the tree that God has reserved to Himself. She gave the fruit to her husband, and he, also, ate of it. (Genesis 3.)

The Decalogue is again confirmed when God transcribes these ten laws onto two tablets of stone and gives them to Moses on Mt. Sinai. (Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 9:10.) Therefore, we see that the Decalogue was in existence long before there was a Jew. It was in force in heaven, for Satan broke it and sinned.


Christ confirmed the Decalogue many times and in numerous ways. This was especially true of the fourth commandment, the Sabbath commandment. Jesus observed that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him. (John 21: 22; 10:27.)

He proclaimed that He had not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it, that is to demonstrate how it is to be observed. In the Sermon On the Mount, Christ specifically identifies which law He is speaking of by naming two of the commandments, "Thou shall not kill" and "Thou shall not commit adultery." (Matthew 5.)

It was the custom of Jesus to observe the Sabbath. He regularly went into the synagogue and read the Scriptures; at times, He read from the book of Isaiah, applying the messianic prophecy to Himself. (Luke 4: 16-21: Isaiah 61:1,2.)

Christ again confirmed the eternal nature of the Decalogue when he advised His followers that Jerusalem would be destroyed in the future. Before the time of destruction, He told His disciples that they should pray that their flight from Jerusalem would not be in the winter nor on the Sabbath day. History records that Jerusalem was destroyed in A.D. 70 by the Roman armies; this event was, of course, many years after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. (Matt. 24:20.)

When answering criticism by the Pharisees, Jesus told His enemies that the "Sabbath was made for man..." and that the ... "Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath." (Mark 2:27,28.) Again Jesus called Himself "Lord of the Sabbath." (Luke 6:5.)

In addition, Jesus not only read from scripture on the Sabbath, but He also taught on the Sabbath in the house of God. (Luke 13:10).

Many other New Testament passages could be noted that confirm that Jesus was an observer of the Decalogue and that He taught His followers to be observers, as well. However enough texts have been referenced to support the thesis that Jesus endorsed the Decalogue, including the fourth commandment.


Many Christians assume that the seventh-day Sabbath was done away with by the apostle Paul at the time of Christ's resurrection and that Sunday, the first day of the week, became the Bible Sabbath.

Let us study this question by going to the primary source, the Bible. If there had been any annulling of the Decalogue and the fourth commandment in particular, the Apostle Paul would obviously have know and taught this.

Therefore: Did Paul observe the Bible Sabbath?

Paul and Silas were traveling in Thessalonica, in which there was a Jewish synagogue. Paul went into the synagogue, as he always did, and for three Sabbaths Paul talked with the Jews about the Scriptures. What did he talk about? He taught that Jesus was the Christ, the Savior of mankind, and, thankfully, many of the Jews and Greeks believed and were converted to Christianity. (Acts 17: 1-4.)

At another time, Paul was traveling in Greece. After leaving Athens, he went to Corinth. Here he met Aquila and Priscilla, who had recently moved to Corinth from Italy. They, like Paul, were tentmakers, so Paul decided to stay with them and work with them for a while. For a year and one-half, while here in Corinth, every Sabbath he taught the Jews and Greeks in the synagogue that Christ is the Savior of mankind. However, these people would not accept Christ; therefore, Paul left saying, "If you are lost, it is your own fault." (Acts 18: 1-11.) Therefore, here were seventy-eight Sabbaths on which Paul preached in one city.

Again, attending the Jerusalem Council, which addressed the issue of whether or not non-Jews should be required to be circumcised, Paul and Barnabas, as well as Peter, argued against having non-Jews practice circumcision. These Apostles taught that salvation is through faith in Christ, not through circumcision or other former requirements of the Ceremonial Law (Levitical Law,) which was done away with by the Sacrifice of the Supreme Lamb, Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary. (Ephesians 2.) At this Council, attendance at the synagogue on the Sabbath was confirmed. (Acts 15: 21.)

Paul and Barnabas left Cyprus and went to Antioch. Going to the temple on the Sabbath, they preached and taught salvation through Christ, who was raised from the dead. On the next Sabbath, almost the entire town came to hear the word of God preached by Paul. Apparently, many non-Jewish people were converted. (Acts 13:13-48.)

John the Revelator
In the book of Revelation, John states that he was "in the Spirit on the Lord's Day." (Revelation 1:10.) The question that we need to answer here is, Which day is the Lord's Day? The fourth commandment identifies the seventh-day as the "Sabbath of the Lord thy God." As we learned earlier, the apostle Mark records Jesus stating: "Therefore, the Son of Man (Christ) is Lord also of the Sabbath." (Mark 2:28.)

Other New Testament Support for the Decalogue
In numerous places, the New Testament clearly upholds the living nature of the ten commandments. James teaches the commandments not to murder and not to commit adultery. (James 2:11.)

Again, Paul, writing to the church at Ephesus, supports the commandment to honor one's father and mother. (Ephesians 6:2.)

Writing to the Romans, Paul once more approves the Decalogue by admonishing the Romans not to covet. (Romans 7:7.)

Holy women, followers of Christ, from Galilee, came to the tomb of Christ and observed how He was laid. They then returned home, prepared spices for the body, and rested the "Sabbath, according to the commandment." This passage, of course, refers to the fourth commandment, the Sabbath commandment, of the Decalogue. (Luke 23: 55-56.)


Now, is there a command in the New Testament that Christians should keep Sunday or some other day? The answer is, NO!

Is there a command in the New Testament telling us that the eternal Decalogue is done away with? The answer is NO.

Can there be sin if there is no law? NO. Remember, where there is no law, there is no sin, for sin is the transgression of the law. (1 John 3:4.)

Does faith do away with the law? NO. Faith does not make void the law; faith established the law. (Romans 3:31.) The law is a mirror pointing out sin in our lives, and this knowledge drives us to the Cross of Christ for forgiveness. We are saved by the grace of Christ!

In conclusion, we have learned that the Decalogue was present in heaven before creation week and also during creation week. It was present during the time of Adam and Eve as well as during the time of Moses. The Sabbath was kept and honored by Christ, Paul, Silas, Peter, Barnabas, James, John the Revelator, and the other followers of Christ.

We have learned that the Sabbath Command is present in the New Testament. (Luke 23:56.)

We have learned that Christ's sheep know His voice and follow Him. (John 21:22; 10:27.)

Friend, whose voice do you know? The voice of popularity or the voice of Christ? Whose voice are you following? The voice of popularity or the voice of Christ?

How you answer these questions and whether or not you decide to follow truth, will, of course, influence where you spend eternity.

My prayer for YOU is that YOU will choose to follow truth wherever it leads, and know, when you come to die, that you have an eternity of bliss awaiting you on resurrection morning.

Why follow death, when Christ offers you life, a life of peace now, and an eternal life of joy, plenty, and bliss with Him and your loved ones throughout eternity.


Copyright 2005, Fillmer Hevener
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 © 2005 Guthrie Memorial Chapel